Sarah Brown's sleep and skincare tips

The sleep and skincare tips Sarah swears by

We all know what it’s like to have a restless night (if not, well, lucky you). And how much a lack of sleep can affect us the next day – whether at work, looking after the kids, or simply trying to function without getting irritable.

But tired skin gets irritable too. So who better to talk to about the importance of sleep than a busy entrepreneur, innovator and mum of two – who also has highly sensitive skin?

We sat down with our Founder, Sarah Brown to quiz her on how she sleeps, her go-to hacks to get more shut-eye, and the tips she swears by to keep her looking – and feeling – well rested. And some of them might surprise you…

First things first. How important is sleep for you?

“Good quality sleep I’m obsessed with, as I know that I can be a low functioning person without it. And on the flipside of that, I am unstoppable when I’m fully sleep-charged.

“When I’ve slept well, I can focus much better the next day, take difficult decisions more easily and generally have the energy to power through lengthy action lists. I’m also a better colleague and leader on eight hours’ sleep – not to mention a better listener and problem solver! And a better mum too, because with the right rest I have much more patience!”

How well do you sleep?

“I used to sleep brilliantly. But that all changed during the pandemic – and my sleep patterns have never fully recovered since. I think perimenopause is now a big factor for me, too.

“I have no issues falling asleep. I’ll nod off a few minutes after my head hits the pillow, but I wake frequently in the middle of the night, often with thoughts rampaging round my brain.”

 Sleep and skincare

What impacts how well you sleep?

“Stress is definitely a factor. Having to get up very early to catch flights or trains for work keeps me up too. If I know I have to be awake at 5am, I will barely sleep as my body won’t fully relax. It tends to be better for me on all fronts to travel the night before, but it’s not always possible!

“Other sleep-robbing habits include phone scrolling in bed (I have to stop this), and going to bed too late as I’m naturally a night owl. And drinking wine; I often sleep restlessly after a glass and can feel very tired the next day.”

What do you do to improve your sleep quality?

“I have a notepad and pencil on my bedside cabinet, so that I can scribble down notes or solutions without having to turn on a light or phone. More often than not I can’t read what they say in the morning but that isn’t the point. It helped quieten my mind so I could get back to sleep.

“I also have some habits and rules for my morning and evening routine that I know I can rely on to help me sleep better:

  • I always eat breakfast within an hour of getting up - a sleep expert told me this was super important to set circadian rhythms for the day.

  • For the same reason I try to get outside and into the daylight as early as I can. I mostly cycle to work and this light exercise is a good kick-start to my morning.

  • I’ve started setting my alarm 15 minutes earlier than I used to. To give me extra time to get the kids up and out the door with less drama. I used to always want to maximise shut-eye but it would always be a mad rush in the mornings, which stressed out everyone.

  • No coffee after midday. No tea after 3pm.

  • Early nights. I love them!

  • Always shower or bath before bed. The warm water raises your body temperature, which then drops afterwards – a signal to your brain that it's time to sleep.

  • Reading in bed, to switch off my brain and get away from screens.

  • Making the bedroom a calm and tidy environment, with dimmed lights.

  • Not eating big meals too late.

  • Wearing earplugs (I am married to a snorer!) and a sleep mask. I sleep so much better with both. I love the Holistic Silk masks, as they sit very deep on the face so are a complete blackout.

  • Taking magnesium glycinate (never citrate) supplements – when I remember or am having a particularly rough patch of poor sleep.

  • Taking ashwagandha supplements when I’m feeling particularly tense.

  • Drinking herbal teas, due to their very high antioxidant content. I always have a big box of Chamomile tea on the go, and try to have two cups of herbal tea per day.

 Sleep mask

What does your skin look or feel like when you’re tired?

“My skin texture looks coarser and less even, my skin tone more dull and lacklustre, and with more visible dark circles. My urticaria is more likely to flare, especially if the lack of sleep is down to stress. And I am more prone to breaking out after longer periods of poor sleep.”

Which products do you use to help hide a poor night’s sleep?

Virtuous Circle™ would be my number one. I leaned on this a lot after my two babies were born, when sleep deprivation was a constant reality and I could barely remember my own name! The aroma is so uplifting, and it instantly smooths and softens skin texture. Because it buffs away dead skin cells to reveal fresher ones, it feels like your skin looks renewed and brighter.

Century Flower™ is just so calming and hydrating that it instantly makes my skin feel plumper and less flat. When you are dog tired, it’s great to apply this from the fridge to bring ultimate refresh.

“Then there’s Resurrection Girl™. The clue is in the name. This rich blue mask pours moisture back into dehydrated skin, reviving it immediately. And, crucially, it’s ten minutes out of my busy day to relax.

“And lastly, Rosehip Bioregenerate™ Face Oil. I use it with two rose quartz mushrooms to do some facial massage and acupressure – it works particularly well when cold around the eye area.”

Any make-up tricks that you use to perk up tired skin?

“I moisten my make-up brush with Century Flower™ mist to give a more dewy finish. And of course, The Impossible Glow™ is always in my morning kit to bring instant luminosity. When light reflects off your face, you look more radiant and rested.

“I use Champagne in cooler months and Bronze in the warmer months.”

What’s your evening skincare routine?

“I’ll always, always cleanse - using Light Work™ Cleansing Oil and Middlemist Seven™ if I’m wearing both make-up and mineral SPF.

“I mist with Century Flower™ between each step of skincare to calm and lock in moisture. Usually that looks like Back To Life™ Hydration Serum, supercharged with a Phytofill™, Peptides or Hyaluronic Acid booster. Then Feather Canyon™ eye cream followed by an oil – either Rosehip Bioregenerate™ or Carbon Star™.

“Every consecutive night I swap out the Rosehip Oil for Bonne Nuit™, our peptide-packed night cream; I find it rich enough to use without an oil, and I see results overnight.”

Discover more beauty sleep advice here or book a 1-1 online skin consultation to talk through your skin concerns



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